DAM:- A Dum may be defined as a constructed by solid barriers at the suitable location across river valley with a purpose of impounding the water flowing through that rives.
1. Generation of hydro energy.
2. Water supply for irrigation and other domestic consumption.
3. control the floods.
4. fish forming.
5. provider navigational facilities.
1. Gravity Dam
2. Buttress Dam
3. Arch Dam
4. Embankment Dam
5. Composite Dam
Gravity Dam:-
Gravity Dam is designed as a triangular profile. solid concrete structure. it can safely Stand against the precalculate Volume of Water By virtue of its water.
- In Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh in north India concrete Gravity Dam across Sutlej River second tallest Dam Bhakra Dam(_225.55m). Highest Next to the Tehri Dam (261m ).
BHAKRA DAM 90 km reservoir wire over the Area 168.35km^2. second largest Reservoir. First is Sagar Dam in m.p.(INDIA).
2. Buttress Dam:-
Buttress Dam is also known is Hollow Dam. Water upstream is supported by Downstream at an interval of series of buttress or support.
It is one type of gravity dam it is made by reinforced concrete and Heavy.
side view
Buttes type Dum Complected in 1804 Mir Alam multi Arch dam in Hyderabad of water supply. this Dam work of Henry Russel a member of British Royal Engineer. Hight of this Dam is 12M consisted of 21m semicircular.
3. Arch Dam:-
The main purpose of the arch dam is cut out the thrust forces. it is a solid structure. major force is transmitted to the arch.
1. constant radius arch Dam
2. Variable radius arch Dam
Constant Radius Arch Dam: -Radius of curvature throughout the structure is the constant and upstream force is vertical.
Variable radius arch Dam:- Radius is different Upstream and Downstream.
this type of dum in Kerala at Periyar river (167.7m )parabolic curvature. IT is Asia third large Dam.
Generate of power 780 MW. It is Kerala government.
4. Embankment Dam:-
This type of Dam is built a single type material. Nonrigid structure Which is built on the river valley with variable fundamental.
The main advantage of this Dam. It is construction weak fundamental.
Good Example is the Tehri Dam. The highest dam in India and the largest in the world.
it is located at Uttarakhand Tehri village on the Bhagirathi river. main purposes are municipal water supply and generation of 1000 mW power.
5. Composite Dam:-It is a combination of one or more Dam type Dam.
Combination of two dams is either embankment or gravity Dam.
Ujana dam also knows as Bhima Dam or Bhima irrigation project on Krishna River. It is made by earth fill. Located near the ujani village in m.p.(India)
Selection of Sides on the basics of the following basis
1. Topographically: First chose the place for construction. It must be the small valley with a catchment basin available behind so the amount of water can be stored in the reservoirs created upstream.
2. spillway location:- At the time of the flood enough amount of water store. so enough amount of water passes out through Spillway.
3. The possibility of river diversions during construction:- In the time of dam construction river can diversions a particular Side. To proper construction of the Dam.
4. constructionally:-
The material used for construction is not far from the side where Dam made. it cost increase of construction.